Jannis Zell

Cover Illustrator EP4

When we first discovered Jannis’ work, it felt like a perfect match. It was the visuality we had been looking for, not knowing it existed. The thread that would tie these immensely diverse pages together, creating the home they needed. The cover of a file that stores this collection of artists. Jannis was born in Stuttgart, Germany, as the son of a goldsmith. Like the lines on our cover, Jannis’ life has been winding and meandering yet intentional as he followed his passions and loves. Strongly influenced by the graffiti culture surrounding his youth, Jannis ultimately found his visual voice during his studies at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design where he learnt to craft artistic work across all genres. “I don’t define myself anymore. If I’m not asked, I just don’t say.”Learn more about Jannis by scrolling through our interview with him:

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"I can't think as fast. It's the process itself that leads to the result."

"It’s a game of what happens on the paper and how I react to it."

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“Everything influences each other; the boundaries are simply fluid. It’s the context that determines what things are perceived as.” - Jannis Zell

"As a child, I painted a lot – which I guess is something almost every child does. Only most kids stop at some point, and I never did."

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